Thursday, May 16, 2019
Is the Life-Span Approach Essential to Human Development
Human growing has been a subject of interest among contemporary researchers. The most prominent theory in human festering is the life-span approach which is made up of mixed innovations. This sample aims to show the importance of the life-span approach by analysing some of the concepts that make up this approach, much(prenominal) as multi-directionality historical location and contexualism among others. This essay will critically analyse some of the assumptions of the life-span approach.It will excessively ensure arguments against the lifespan approach as well as other theories of human training such as Freuds psychoanalytic theory with the aim of showing that this approach is infixed for dread human reading. star of the major assumptions of the life-span approach as suggested by Baites, (1987) is that increment is a life-long process by this he meant that developmental changes occur throughout a souls life, from the point of conception till death (Sugarman, 1986). Bal tes, (1987) went on to state that development as a life-long process assumes that, no point in a persons developmental life is more important than the other, every period of a persons life is equally important weather it is childhood or aging, they argon all important periods of development though this assumption is in direct contradiction to other theorists of human development such as Freud who believed that development ends at childhood and that adulthood is an extended version of childhood and that aging is more of sacking in adaptive capacity hence does non qualify to be put in the paradigms of development .This has constituted the gain and loss argument (Baltes, 1987). Research on intelligence has shown that other forms of intelligence which involving reviewing of iodines life and wisdom emerge in old age and these forms of intelligence are not genetically wired from birth as suggested by Freud and (Baltes, 1987). This goes to show that development is not restricted to a ccredited periods of a persons life but happens up until death hence the life-span approach is prerequisite in understanding human development.With the desire to proove the importance of the life-span approach in human development This essay will look at another assumption put forward by life-span theorists which state that development is malti-directional, (Baltes, 1987). This delegacy that human development has different forms and differs in the routes that it takes thoughout the developmental process for example the presents of degenerative and development abilities in a person (Stenberg, Bornstein, Yandell, & Rook, 011). It has too been noted by Li & Freund, (2005) that development as viewed by the life-span theory is not a one way procces of accumulation but that some developmental survey increase while others decline (Li & Freund, 2005). Research by (cattel and horn, 1982 ) shows that a person consits of two types of intelligance mamely fluid and crystalized intelligance. According to this research fluid intelligance showed a declining function as compared to cristalized which showed accumulation tendancies (Baltes, 1987) This evidence shows that development is not a one way procces but takes different directions and that includes both childhood development and aiging, reafirming the point made in a higher place that aiging also qualifies to be considered as being part of development.Also in southafrica it has been noted that due to the inaccesibility of adiquate health misgiving by children during the apartheid some children were born with birth defects while others suffered from malnutrition and became disabled showing the different varyng trajectories that human development can take (Youth hearings, 1997). Therefore the presence of malti-directionality as a life-span concept religious services us to understand the assorted dimentions and directions taken by development throghout a persons life hence it earns its importance in understanding hum an development.The life-span approach again plays a very important role in understanding human development when looking at the assumption that development is historically embeded (Elder, 1998). This concept cannot be marooned from the concept of contexualism hence Elder, (1998)s work is to be viewed in light of the two concepts. According to Baites, (1987) the thought behind this assumption is that the historical location of a person together with the socio, sparing and caltural experiences the individual find during that time has an impact on how he developes.He went on to say that this assumption brings in history as an important factor that facilitates ones nature of deverlopment To support this assumption it was discovered that children who faced economic hardships during the time of the great depression looked far much older than their normal age but tended to repossess when the conditions got better showing again that development is a continous procces (Elder, 1998). To f urther support this line of thinking it must be clarified that Elder, (1998) is stressing the fact that in that location is continous interplay between factors such as history, timing of life transitions such as early pregnancy, shared elationships and a persons unique ability to execise agency which has been delimit by Baites, (1987) as plasticity These factors greatly form the developmental trajectories of a person (Sugarman, 1986). To support this he turns his attention to the oakland and berkely studies done on children who experiences the second world war, the great depression and the korean war. As shown by this research children born during the economic meltdown of the great depression probably laked proper parenting and this affected maturation.He went on to mention that children who lived during the second world war and the korean war had different experienes as compared to the oakland require and their developmental gains and losses were different. In southafrica rese arch shows that black children who lived during the apatheid era ended up in sqatter camps without any aducation, with short(p) sanitation no recreation facilities and high health risks, this forced some to join ganges.Removal from their land also ca utilise identity confusion which is a very important developmental t carry according to Erikson. showng that historcal context brings with it a unique experience that individuals are exposed to and this has a great impact on ones developmet reafirming the claim tht the life-span approach is important in understanding human development. It has also been brought to attention that the research methods used by life-span researchers are to some extent unreliable and may put out inaccurate information.As critics of this approach engage noted life-span researchers mainly use introspection, questioning and obsarvation for example Elder, (1998) on his study of children of the great depression admits that they would ask the subjects on how the y thought the great depression influenced their lives, Havighurst also used the same technique in his study of developmental tasks and this is problematic since subjects are most likely unware of their developmental tasks and deficits (Sugarman, 1986).He went on to say researcher deviate is also a broblem for example theorists like Erikson may have been influenced to research by their background and the impressions they produce may bear similarities to what they ad hominemy feel, not the actual facts on the ground. Pllasticity is another life-span concept that t can help us understand human development. Though it has been mentioned above we now look at it in more detail. According to (Li & Freund, 2005) it is the campacity of the individual to influence his own developmen meaning a person may counciously or uconciously influence heir own developme. Biological research on cortical plasticity across the life-span by (Li & Freund, 2005) has shown that the encephalon of adults can c hange its stractural and functional organisation due to its developmental history. The research also showed the reorganisation of functions of the cerebral cortex in old age such as the use of both hemspheres to compansate for decline and this shows the importance of pasticity in human develoment.The last charecteristic of the life-span approach to be discussed is the fact that human development is multi-disciplinary meaning that it encompasses other handle such as bbiology, sociology and anthropology (Baltes, 1987). This assumption is further supported by Huvighurst (1972) who also suggest that developmental tasks mount from physical maturation, caltural presure and individual aspirations (Sugarman, 1986).He gives the example that learning to read may be as a result caltural influence, ones willingness to read and your mental or cognitive capability hence these three palm may simaltenously influence development. Though this essay aims to assert the importants of the life-span a pproach to development we cannot turn a finesse eye on some of the weaknesses and critisisms brought forward agains this approach and so we will start with the last concept which stated that human development is is malti-desciplinary.Schoolars like Sugarman, (1986) have argued that much of the work presented to support the assumption cadaver in doupt since research done in german society may not be applicable on a Southafrican context and therefore this particular concept does not fully expain human development of all people across the world since developmental tasks such as choosing a job are calture specific (Havighurst, 1972).Another critisism of the life-span approach is that it that some of its ideas are incontradiction with its principles for example Sugarman, (1986) notes that life-span developmental theorists offer a road constitute of development, Eriksons eight stages and Havighursts assumption that failare to overcome a particular stage would result in unhappyness. Th is is in direct contradiction to the notion that development is malti-directional and does not follow a particular principle of developmen which bergs the question as to weather this approach is really essential in understanding human development.After about examining the assumptions of the life-span approach and the arguments presented against it, it is evident that the approach has a lot of inconsistancies and that the research methods used to some extend are inconclusive. After aknowledging these facts it is however iumportant to note that not all of the life-span approachs research is obtained by quationable means and that it is the only theory of human development which better explains human development in Southafrica.The life-span approach is also to be credited for being the only thery of human development which is malti-disciplinary and it is also not deterministc in that there is always hope to overcome lifes challenges Also its methods are easily applicable therefore in conclusion it remains beyond reasonable doupt that development is a life-long procces and that the life-span approach is vital in understanding human development. ? References Baites, P. B. (1987). Theoretical propositions of life-span developmental psychology On the dynamics between growth and decline.developmental Psychology, 611-623. Boyd, D. , & Bee, H. (2006). flavour span development (4th ed. ). Boston MA Pearson Education. Elder, G. H. (1998). 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